Photography for Non-Photographers


Think you need a professional photographer for great event photos? Think again! With a few simple techniques and basic gear, anyone can capture high-quality moments at events. This guide will show you how.


Choosing the Right Gear

You might wonder, “Should I use my phone or a camera?” Smartphones are excellent because they’re always on hand and easy to use. A high-resolution phone with good low-light capabilities and stabilisation can deliver impressive results. However, if you’re using a camera - even a basic digital camera - you get more control over settings and lenses but it's not essential.

For both options, you’ll benefit from picking up a few accessories. A tripod will steady your shots, especially in low-light environments. External lighting, like a small LED light, can also make a huge difference, particularly for indoor or nighttime events. But don’t worry about getting too technical - keeping things simple can still produce great results.

Harnessing Light

Lighting is one of the biggest factors in making a photo look professional. Natural light is always the best option, so if your event is during the day, try positioning your subjects facing windows or out in open spaces. This takes advantage of soft, natural light, which adds a flattering glow.

For evening events or dimly lit venues, iPhones and Android come with Night Mode that kicks in automatically, but you can also tweak settings manually. On an iPhone, tap to focus and adjust the exposure by sliding up or down; on Android phones, use Pro Mode to control how much light is let in (ISO) or shutter speed. Avoid using direct flash, as it can wash out your subjects. Instead, try bouncing the flash off nearby surfaces for softer lighting.

Capturing Key Moments

To capture the essence of your event, focus on moments that matter. Shots of speeches, performances, or candid guest interactions bring energy and authenticity to your photos. Don’t forget the smaller details—close-ups of the decorations, food, or venue setup help tell the complete story of the event.

Timing is everything. You don’t want to miss those blink-and-you-miss-it moments, so stay observant and anticipate the action. That way, you’ll always be ready when the magic happens.

Nailing the Shot: Composition Tips

Composition is key to making your photos stand out. One simple rule to follow is the rule of thirds. This guideline helps you position your subject off-centre, creating a more interesting photo. Most smartphones have a grid feature you can use.

Leading lines, like walkways or tables, naturally guide the viewer’s eye to the subject of your photo. Keep your background clutter-free so your subject remains the focal point. Use your phone's Portrait Mode, which blurs the background while keeping the subject in sharp focus, creating a professional, polished look.

Editing Without Overdoing It

You don’t need advanced software to make your images shine. Apps like Snapseed or VSCO allow you to adjust brightness, contrast, and sharpness easily. The key is to keep it simple: over-editing makes your photos look unnatural. Consistency in your editing will give your event album a polished, cohesive look.

Tailoring Your Approach to Different Events

At a corporate event, focus on capturing professional interactions and speaker moments. For weddings, emotional moments and key milestones, such as the first dance or cutting the cake, are essential. Festivals and concerts need shots that capture the energy of the performances and the crowd. For smaller gatherings, look for candid moments and close-ups of personal interactions.

Maximising Your Photos Post-Event

Your photos don’t stop working when the event ends. Sharing your best photos on social media can keep the conversation going and encourage attendees to tag themselves or share their favourites. Creating an event album can help tell the full story from start to finish. Don’t forget to save high-resolution versions of your best shots for future marketing or promotional materials.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Even with the best tips, there are a few mistakes to watch out for. Overexposing or underexposing photos is a common issue, so make sure to adjust brightness settings. Blurry photos are often caused by unsteady hands—use a tripod or steady your hands on a surface to avoid this. Finally, avoid using digital zoom, which reduces image quality. Instead, move closer to your subject when possible.

Final Thoughts

With some practice and attention to detail, anyone can take amazing event photos. Armed with your smartphone or camera and these simple tips, you’ll be ready to capture stunning moments at your next event. 


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