Celebrity Riders

Outlandish Celebrity Riders

Ah, celebrity riders—the intriguing list of demands that often leaves us scratching our heads in disbelief. From the peculiar to the downright ludicrous, these requests have people scuttling around like little mice behind the scenes at some major events. 

Let's start with some legendary tales, shall we?

Van Halen: Brown M&M’s: Who could forget Van Halen's notorious aversion to brown M&M's? Yes, you heard that right. The rock gods themselves insisted on a bowl of M&M's with all the brown ones meticulously removed. Now, before you label them as divas, hold your judgement. As it turns out, this seemingly eccentric request was a clever ploy to ensure that the technical and safety specifications of their performance were thoroughly reviewed and followed. So be careful! A brown M&M in the bowl would quickly alert them to poor attention to detail which could flow into lighting, rigging, and sound before going on stage.

Mariah Carey – Kittens and White Doves: Rumour has it that she once requested 20 white kittens and 100 white doves for a single appearance, butterfly-shaped confetti with a pink carpet for a Rolls Royce to drive her to a stand where she would wave a magic wand to turn on the lights. While we can't help but admire her affinity for the animal kingdom, health and safety regulations, unfortunately, put the kibosh on this particular request. Even so, the car took six changes until finally approved by Carey. 

Mötley Crüe – Boa constrictors and Machine Guns: One of the most bizarre requests came from Mötley Crüe who in one of the more extreme examples, included a request for a 12-foot-long boa constrictor, a jar of Grey Poupon mustard, and, most bizarrely, a machete and submachine gun. Not your average rider!

Beyoncé – Precise Temperatures and Seasoned Chicken: Who could overlook the queen herself, Beyoncé, with her steadfast demand for a room temperature set at precisely 78 degrees Fahrenheit? Beyoncé knows what she wants, and she's not afraid to ask for it. Plus, who wouldn't want some heavily seasoned chicken with a side of garlic and cayenne pepper? A diva's gotta eat, after all.

Jennifer Lopez - White Everything: J.Lo is rumoured to have requested that everything in her dressing room be white—from the flowers to the candles, and even the furniture. This monochromatic demand showcases the specific aesthetic preferences some celebrities have.

Iggy Pop - Bob Hope Impersonator: Among the more eccentric demands, Iggy Pop once asked for a Bob Hope impersonator in his dressing room. The request is so oddly specific and out of left field that it's hard not to find it amusing. If a Hope stand-in wasn’t possible, he was okay with “Seven dwarves, dressed up as those dwarves out of that marvellous Walt Disney film about the woman who goes to sleep for a hundred years after biting a poisoned dwarf, or maybe after pricking her finger on a rather sharp apple… or something.”

Britney Spears - McDonald’s Cheeseburgers Without Buns: Britney Spears reportedly requested McDonald’s cheeseburgers without buns, along with 100 prunes and figs in her dressing room. That’s pretty specific! 

But enough reminiscing about the glory days of eccentric demands. Let's talk strategy—how can you navigate these outrageous requests without losing your sanity?

Fear not, for we have compiled a handy list of tips to help you tackle even the most outlandish demands with finesse:

Listen to the Reps: The key to success lies in establishing a strong relationship with the celebrity's representatives. They're your lifeline to understanding the ins and outs of the rider and ensuring that all demands are met to perfection. Good reps just want to make sure their talent is happy and taken care of so they can perform.

Maintain Your Poker Face: In the face of jaw-dropping requests, it's essential to keep your cool. Show that you're unfazed by even the most outlandish demands. Remember, you're the captain of this ship, steering it through uncharted waters with grace and composure.

Be Careful What You Promise: Remember, what you agree to in the heat of the moment can come back to haunt you later. Take the time to carefully review each request and make promises you can keep both practically and within budget.

Build Strong Relationships: Perhaps the most important of all. You can't do it all alone. Surround yourself with a team of seasoned professionals, from florists and VAs to concierge services, who can help bring your vision to life. Collaboration is the secret ingredient to success. Create a directory of go-to people. If you get high-end requests with any frequency, consider your company investing in a great concierge service like Ten Lifestyle Group and for VA’s look no further than Remotely Onit

Stay Organised: With multiple moving parts, organisation is your best friend. Create your own checklists, keep detailed records, create thorough timelines, and maintain open lines of communication to ensure that everything runs like clockwork on the big day.

Whilst your everyday events may not require snakes and machine guns, armed with these tips, you're ready to tackle even the wildest riders with style and grace. So go forth, my fellow event warriors, and let's make some magic happen!


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