Crafting Killer Content


Whether you're gearing up for your first big pitch or your next presentation to your peers, nailing your content is key. But you’re in the right place, we’ve got you covered. This is the first in a series of blogs focusing on presenting and public speaking.  And, it all starts with great preparation. Think of this as your ultimate cheat sheet for prepping content that captivates and resonates with your audience. 

Let’s make your presentation one to remember by following our guide.

  1. Knowing Your Audience:

Before you even think about what you’re going to say, you need to know who you’re saying it to. Here’s how to become an audience whisperer:

Demographics Matter: Are they peers, industry veterans, or a mix? Tailor your tone and examples accordingly.

Interest Check: What topics excite them? Are they looking for data-driven insights, inspirational stories, or the latest industry trends? Know what makes them tick. 

Prior Exposure: Have they seen you present before? If so, avoid re-runs, bring something fresh to the table to keep them engaged.

Tip: Understanding your audience is key to delivering a message that resonates. Do your homework to know what they’re into and what resonates with them.

  1. Setting Clear Objectives:

Every great presentation starts with a clear goal. What do you want your audience to do, think, or feel by the end?

Define the Change: Are you informing, persuading, or entertaining? Maybe you want them to sign up, buy in, or simply think differently.

Crystal Clear Actions: Instead of vague goals like “be inspired,” aim for specifics like “understand the benefits of our new platform and sign up for a demo.”

Pro Tip: Think of your presentation as a journey. Know your destination to navigate effectively and avoid going in circles.

  1. Crafting Your Content:

This is the place where the magic happens. Turn your ideas into a compelling narrative.

Inspiration vs. Instruction: Find the right balance between motivating your audience and giving them actionable steps. Too much inspiration without instruction can feel like a pep talk without substance.

Narrative Arc: Every good story (and presentation) has a beginning, middle, and end. Start strong, dive deep in the middle, and end with impact.

Research: Solid facts and figures give your presentation credibility. Just make sure they’re relevant and engaging.

Tip: Think of your presentation as a blockbuster movie. You need a killer opening, an engaging plot, and a memorable ending. No one likes a snooze-fest!

  1. Choosing Words and Phrases:

Words have power. Choose them wisely.

Resonant Language: Use phrases that resonate with your audience. Think about words that evoke emotion and connection. Martin Luther King didn’t just give a speech; he delivered a dream.

Cultural References: Throw in some relevant references or analogues if they fit the context. It makes your content relatable and memorable.

Example: If you’re talking about teamwork, you might say, “Alone we can do so little; together, we can do so much,” and then reference a NASA space launch or the Avengers assembling.

  1. Visuals and Imagery:

A picture is worth a thousand words, but only if it’s the right picture.

Relevant Images: Choose visuals that support your message and resonate with your audience. A chart showing a 200% growth rate? Yes, please. A stock photo of people shaking hands? Not so much.

Local Imagery: If your audience is from a specific region, include images or references that they’ll recognise. It adds a personal touch.

Tip: Your slides should complement your speech, not overwhelm it. Use visuals to enhance, not distract.

Wrapping Up

And there you have it – your guide to content preparation. By knowing your audience, setting clear objectives, crafting a compelling narrative, choosing powerful words, and using impactful visuals, you’re well on your way to presentation greatness. Now go forth and conquer that stage (or Zoom call) like the pro you’re destined to be!

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