20 ways to get experience in the events


One of the single most frustrating questions for people trying to work in events for the first times is 'how can I get my first job, when I have no experience?'

Breaking into the event industry might seem like a daunting task, especially if you're fresh out of school or looking to switch careers. Fear not, we're here to help!

The UK's vibrant event scene offers many opportunities for those willing to take the plunge. From interviewing a range of event professionals on their journeys as well as interviewing recent graduates in the event industry, we've compiled here the top 20 ways you can get experience to help you get that job you'll love.

Here are 20 tips to help you start building that all-important experience in the world of events:

  1. Internships: The classic route. Seek out event companies, venues, and event planners that offer internships. This will give you hands-on experience and industry insights.

  2. Volunteer: Festivals, local fairs, and charity events often need volunteers. This is a great way to see how events operate from behind the scenes.

  3. Event Courses: Enrol in event management courses or workshops. Many institutions in the UK offer these, some even part-time or online.

  4. Networking: Attend industry networking events. Websites like Eventbrite often list relevant industry mixers or seminars.

  5. Join Student Organisations: If you're in university, join or start an event planning committee or society.

  6. Freelance: Start offering services on platforms like Upwork or Fiverr, even if it's just for small, local events.

  7. Shadow a Professional: Ask event professionals if you can shadow them for a day or week to gain insights.

  8. Blogging: Start an event-related blog or vlog. This can showcase your interest, knowledge, and commitment to potential employers.

  9. Local Community Involvement: Help organise community events, from small gatherings to bigger functions.

  10. Develop a Portfolio: Document any event-related work or projects you've done, even if it's for friends or family.

  11. Attend Trade Shows: This will give you insights into the latest trends and allow you to meet professionals in the industry.

  12. Temporary Jobs: Event staffing agencies often look for temporary staff for various roles at events.

  13. Event Tech: Familiarise yourself with event technology like ticketing platforms or event apps. This tech-savvy approach will make you more marketable.

  14. Create Your Own Events: Start small, maybe with themed parties or local community events, and build from there.

  15. Collaborate: Team up with friends or peers who have complementary skills to create events.

  16. Hospitality Work: Jobs in catering, hotels, or bars can give you transferable skills and insights into event logistics.

  17. Engage on Social Media: Follow event professionals, companies, and influencers on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. Engage in discussions and showcase your passion.

  18. Research and Stay Updated: Read industry magazines, blogs, and books to stay on top of trends and best practices.

  19. Practice Public Speaking: Events often require addressing crowds. Join clubs like Toastmasters to hone this skill.

  20. Feedback: After any event-related work, always seek feedback. This will help you improve and understand what areas to focus on.

Remember, everyone has to start somewhere. With dedication, passion, and the right strategies, you'll find your footing in the event industry in no time. Best of luck!



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